Navigate to [](
Click "Create Discount"
Click "Create single discount"
You can make these discounts **Automatic.** To give free gifts away automatically.
Add the Discount title for the same. Some e.g: GIFT, FREEBIE etc.
**Click "Add free or discounted products to cart"**
**Make sure to write 100% and the Quantity of product are how many freebies do you want to give. In our case let's give only 1.**
Click "Add product". **Here you add the FREE product that you want to give away.**
Select the freebie / gift product
Click "Save"
**You can add conditions here:** Click "Purchase amount of items in the cart". If you to give this discount only for some condition that is met in cart.
Click "For specific products in cart". **If you want to give for gift only if that product is there in the cart. You can also give this gift for the cart value.**
Click "Add product". To add the product on which the free product will be received
Select that product.
Add the minimum value of the cart on which this discount should be applied.
You can also add customer eligibility.
Click "Limit number of times this discount can be used in total"
Click "Create discount". After adding usage limits, your discount will get created.
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