Creating a Hosted Zone with Route 53 and Exploring Routing Policies | Scribe

    Creating a Hosted Zone with Route 53 and Exploring Routing Policies

    • Hafeez Baig |
    • 29 steps |
    • 3 minutes
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    Refer to the following guide to learn how to use IAM in the cloud\ <>


    Sign in to **AWS Management Console** as an **IAM User** **Pre-requisite** - Ensure you have selected the AWS region closest to your location\ For this guide, we will be using us-east-2 (Ohio) as a preferred choice


    Type **Route 53** in the search bar and click on **Route 53** to view the Route 53 Dashboard

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    **What is Route 53?** Route 53 is an AWS DNS web service that manages domain names and directs internet traffic to resources based on rules and configurations set by the user.


    On the **Route 53** dashboard, click on the **Hosted zones** from the left bar

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    **What are Hosted zones?** Hosted zones are containers within a DNS service that store records mapping domain names to IP addresses or other resources, enabling control over DNS resolution for a domain.


    **Hosted zones** wizard will open, on the right side click on the **Create hosted zone** button


    **Create hosted zone** wizard will open, give **Domain name** as "****" in the text input field


    Scroll to the **Type** section and select the option **Private hosted zone**

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    **What is Public and Private hosted zones?** - **Public Hosted Zone:** Accessible to the public internet, used for resolving domain names for publicly accessible resources. - **Private Hosted Zone:** Accessible only within a specified network (e.g., VPC), used for resolving domain names for internal resources not exposed to the public internet.


    Scroll to the **VPCs to associate with the hosted zone** section and from the **Region** dropdown select the option **Asia Pacific (Mumbai)** and select the **default VPC ID** from the VPC ID dropdown


    Scroll the page and click on **Create hosted zone** button

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    Congratulations on successfully creating the hosted zone! Well done!


    Open the AWS Management Console in another tab and type **VPC** in the search bar and click on **VPC** to view the VPC Dashboard


    On the **VPC dashboard** click on **Your VPCs**


    On the top right corner, select the **US East(Ohio) us-east-2** region


    On **Your VPCs** wizard select the **default** vpc


    Scroll the page and click on the copy widget and copy the **VPC ID**


    Similarly copy the **default** VPCs id's of these regions Mumbai (**ap-south-1), Frankfurt (eu-central-1)** and **Sao Paulo (sa east-1)** and paste them into the text editor

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    Make sure you save this text file safely, It will be useful in the upcoming labs