Creating a Load Balancer in GCP - Google Cloud Platform V2 | Scribe

Creating a Load Balancer in GCP - Google Cloud Platform V2

  • Hafeez Baig |
  • 23 steps |
  • 4 minutes
  • Google CloudGoogle Cloud
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Refer to this guide to learn How to create Managed Instance Groups MIG\ <>
Sign in into the **Google Cloud Platform**
Type "**Load balancing**" in the search bar and click on the **Load balancing** option
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**What is Load Balancing?**\ \ Load balancing in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a service that distributes incoming network traffic across multiple servers or instances. It ensures high availability and reliability by distributing the workload to prevent any single server from becoming overwhelmed. GCP offers several types of load balancing, including HTTP(S), TCP/SSL, and UDP, to handle different types of traffic. This helps improve application performance and provides seamless scaling to meet varying levels of demand.
**Load balancing** wizard will open, click on the **CREATE LOAD BALANCER** button on the left side
**Create a Load balancer** wizard will open, select the **Application Load balancer (HTTP/HTTPS)** radio button and click on the **NEXT** button
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**What is the Application Load balancer?**\ \ An Application Load Balancer (ALB) distributes incoming web traffic (HTTP/HTTPS) across multiple servers to ensure high availability and performance. It can route traffic based on content, offload SSL encryption, and monitor server health to only send traffic to healthy servers. In GCP, the HTTP(S) Load Balancer serves as the ALB.
On the **Public facing or internal** section, select the **Public facing (external)** radio button and click on the **NEXT** button
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**What is the Public facing (external)?** \ \ **Public facing (external)** in GCP refers to resources that have a public IP address, making them accessible from the internet. These resources can receive traffic from external clients and are typically used for web servers, APIs, and applications that need to be available to users outside the private network.
On the **Global or single region deployment** section, select the **Best for global workloads** radio button and click on the **NEXT** button
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**What is Best for global workloads option in Global or single region deployment?**\ \ "Best for global workloads" in GCP refers to using services and configurations like global load balancing, content delivery networks (CDNs), and multi-region deployments to optimize performance and availability for applications serving users worldwide. These features ensure low latency, high availability, and fault tolerance, making them ideal for handling traffic from a global user base efficiently.
On the **Load balancer generation** section, select the **Classic Application Load Balancer** radio button and click on the **NEXT** button
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**What is the Classic Application Load Balancer ?**\ \ The Classic Application Load Balancer in GCP is an older type of load balancer that distributes HTTP/HTTPS traffic across multiple backend instances to ensure high availability and reliability of web applications. It operates at the application layer (Layer 7) and can route traffic based on various attributes such as URL paths or host headers. This load balancer supports features like SSL termination, session affinity, and health checks to manage traffic effectively and ensure optimal performance. However, it has largely been succeeded by the more advanced HTTP(S) Load Balancer in GCP, which offers better performance and more features.
Review the load balancer configurations and click on the **CONFIGURE** button
**Create classic Application Load Balancer** wizard will open, click on the **Backend configuration** option
**Backend configuration** wizard will open, On the **Backend services & backend buckets** dropdown click on the **CREATE A BACKEND SERVICE** button
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**What is a Backend Service?**\ \ A Backend Service in GCP is a resource that defines how Google Cloud Load Balancers distribute traffic to backend instances or endpoints. It includes settings for load balancing, health checks, session affinity, and connection draining. Backend Services are used to manage traffic routing and ensure high availability and reliability for applications by distributing requests among multiple backend instances based on predefined rules and health checks.
On the right side **Create backend service** wizard will open, give the Name as - "**my-instance-group-backend-service**"
Scroll to the **Instance group** section and select the **my-managed-instance-group (us-central1,multi-zone)** from the dropdown **Note:** This instance group was created in the last lab. If you do not find it in the list, you can create the instance group first and then proceed with the load balancer.
Scroll to the **Port numbers** text input field and enter "**80**"