Creating a New Blog Post with Title, Content, and Featured Image | Scribe

Creating a New Blog Post with Title, Content, and Featured Image

  • Laurie Barron |
  • 0 step |
  • 30 seconds
  • WpengineWpengine
Click "Add New"
Click the "Add title" field and enter your blog/post title.
Enter the content in either Classic mode using the WYSIWYG editor, the Backend Editor, or Frontend Editor.
You can change the blog formats here. This changes the settings as well as how they are displayed in the feed.
Manage organization by using Categories. These will create clickable links to archive posts that belong to this category. It also allows for a page to query blog posts by selecting category criteria. Click "+ Add New Category"
Click the "Add New Tag" field. Manage tags similarly to categories to create additional layers of organization.
Click "Set featured image"
If you're writing several posts, you can schedule them to automatically post by future dating them. Once you change the date, the button will change from "Publish" to "Schedule".
That's it! Let's create and schedule some POSTS!
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