Creating a New User and managing user roles in Acume | Scribe

    Creating a New User and managing user roles in Acume

    • Addy S |
    • 7 steps |
    • 14 seconds
    • AcumelimitedAcumelimited
    Click on the "Admin" tab and scroll down to the "Users" section.
    To add a new user, click on "Add New User." A new page will open where you can enter the necessary details. Once the details are entered correctly, click "Save".
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    The Default Contact Point serves as the primary recipient for all communications from suppliers and customers.
    If you navigate back to the "Manage Roles" options, you will have the ability to give users access to specific areas within Acume and create customised categories for user roles.
    The permissions are categorised into different sections such as Invoices, Purchase Orders, Workflows, and more.
    When assigning user roles, you can easily grant or remove permissions for specific functions in Acume by toggling the "Active/Inactive" option.
    All permissions operate based on roles, and you'll notice that some roles are already pre-built, as visible on the screen.
    To create a new role, simply click on "Add New Role." A dialog box will appear where you can enter the role name and description. Click "OK" to save the new role. Some examples of roles you can set up include AP team, AR team, Approvers, and more.
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    On the "Manage User" screen, you can invite our support team to investigate any technical issues within your account.