Creating a Product in Odoo with Detailed Information | Scribe

    Creating a Product in Odoo with Detailed Information

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    Navigate to [](
    Open Sales, Inventory or Purchase Tab to access the products screen
    Click "Products" in the related tab
    Open all "Products"
    Click "NEW"
    Click the "Product Name" field. Type "Product Name" into this space
    Click this dropdown and choose which Product type you require: Consumable are non tracked products Services are things like welding, sand blasting, design services Storable Product is the inventory products
    Make sure to set the Invoicing Policy to Ordered Quantities
    Hover over the "?" for more information on any item
    Set your Unit of Measure for Sales and your Purchase UoM\ Unit of Measure references the selling unit\ Purchase UoM references the Purchasing unit of measure This comes into play when we purchase 2 in a box or a bag of seals with more than one, but sell them individually, you would need to make sure the UoM is set correctly for both purchase and selling. \ \ \*\*Note this can not be changed once an item has been sold or purchased
    Click the "Sales Price?" field. To calculate the sales price, take the Cost in CDN dollars and times it by 1.5
    "Customer Taxes?" is always set to GST for Sales- 5%
    Enter "Cost" in CDN Funds If was purchased in USD Funds calculate at 1.35 x the USD Price
    Click the "Product Category" field, this can stay as All. Unless you are creating a new product from a Purchase Order, which in that case will be updated to COG Update, this will automatically update the Cost from the PO in CDN Funds. Until Odoo is our primary website, this is the procedure
    Click the "Internal Reference" field, this will be the WCR Part Number, please reference the Anatomy of WCR Part Numbers for proper part numbering
    Click the "Barcode" field. The Barcode is the internal reference with out spaces.
    Click the "Vendor Part Number" field. Enter the Vendor Part Number here, this will allow you to search the vendor part number. Alt Vendor Part # 1 through 3 are if the product has multiple vendor part numbers ie can be purchased from Napa with their Part Number but it is crossed over to a different number from Motion
    Click the "Product Tags" field. Please enter all the product tags that pertain to this product, this will make the item searchable on the Odoo website once it is functional
    Click the "Nesting Weight" field. This field is filled out only for products that are nested inside other products while being cut. For example Boot Rings have a Gusset and Steering arm nested in the center to redude waste of steel.
    Click the "Material Type and Thickness" field. And if it is a new cut part add the type of material ie 44W or T1, and the thickness ie 1/4" 3/8" etc.