Creating a "homepage" using a pre-built page (old)
Lifers PTY LTD |
20 steps |
2 minutes
Follow steps on [How to use pre-built pages](
Click on 'Pages' in the menu at the left-hand side.
Once in the Pages window, type the word "Home" on the textbox field at the right-hand side of your screen and click the 'Search Pages' button.
You will see the "home" page appear in the list. Under the "home" page, right-click 'Edit with Elementor' and select 'Open link in new tab.'
On the Pages window, click the 'Add New' button at the top left-hand side of the page; this will create and open up a new page window.
On the new page, type "Home V2" or your preferred title for your home page in the "Add title' text field.
Then click the 'Publish' button at the top right corner of the page.
Now, click the 'Edit with Elementor' button at the top of your screen to start creating and editing your new home page.
Switch to the open tab with the existing Greybox Pro home page.
In the existing GreyboxPro "home" page, hover the cursor at the top-center of the page; this will reveal the 'edit header' option. Click on it, and a grid icon will appear with the caption 'edit section.'
Right-click the grid icon to reveal a drop-down menu from the Elementor editor. From this menu, you can perform actions such as copy, paste, duplicate, etc. For now, click on 'Copy.'
Navigate back to your new "Home V2" page or reopen it by going to Pages and click 'Edit with Elementor' of the "Home V2" page
On the new "home V2" page, right-click on the 'Drag widget here' section and select 'Paste'. This will paste the header section that you copied from the existing GreyboxPro "home" page onto your new "home V2" page
Then, at the bottom left-hand corner of your screen, click the 'UPDATE' button to save the changes made.
Now, we need to update the template on your new "home V2" page. On the left-hand bottom of your screen, click the settings icon of the page.
This opens the 'General Settings'. Click on the 'Page Layout' dropdown list and select 'Elementor Full Width'. Then, click the 'UPDATE' button to save the changes made.
On the top left-hand side, click the burger menu icon and it will display the option to exit the page.
Click 'EXIT' to go out of Elementor editing and continue to update and select a page template for "Home V2".
On the right-hand side, click the 'Default template' and select 'Elementor Full Width'.
Click 'Update' to save. Click 'Preview' to see how your page now looks like.