Creating a shortID rule (Create Job Numbers) | Scribe

    Creating a shortID rule (Create Job Numbers)

    • 0 step
    Create the custom field - Job Number\ \ In **Asana**, Add a custom field to your project (text-type!)
    Now you need to refresh your custom field data so that Flowsana recognizes the new custom field you just created. \ \ In the [Flowsana web portal](//, click the **WORKFLOWS** drop-down and select **NEW WORKFLOW**
    Scroll down to the **Rule Workflow** section and click **Create.**
    Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click **Go here to refresh data from Asana**.
    Click **Refresh project custom fields**
    Click the **OK** button. *WAIT* until you receive an email that your custom fields have been refreshed.
    Now we need to create the rule. \ \ Back in the [Flowsana web portal](//, click the **WORKFLOWS** drop-down and select **NEW WORKFLOW.**
    Scroll down to **Rule Workflow** and Click **Create**
    Select your project from the dropdown
    Name your Rule.
    Choose whether to trigger the rule on changes to: **Both top-level tasksand subtasks**, **Top-level tasks**, or **Subtasks**.
    Choose whether to apply this rule's action(s) to: **The triggering task**, **Subtasks of the triggering task**, or **Parent task of the triggering task.**
    Select your rule trigger. This will either be **Task is newly created** or **Task is a new form submission**.
    Set the rule action. In this example, we use **Set Custom Field *Job Number* to...**
    In the **\[Enter Value\]** field, use this [Variable Substitution]( **{task.ShortId}**
    Click **Create Rule**
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