Creating an Event on Involvement Network | Scribe

    Creating an Event on Involvement Network

    • ELS |
    • 17 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • UgaUga
    Navigate to the Involvement Network at <>. Log in using your UGA MyID and password.
    Open the main menu on the lefthand side of the screen by clicking the icon in the upper righthand corner.
    Find the organization that you would like to submit an event on behalf of, located under the "My Organizations" section of the menu. Click on the gear icon to open your organization's toolbox.
    From the toolbox, select "Events."
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    If you are unable to find the organization, or if you do not have access to the appropriate tools in the toolbox, please contact your organization's primary contact. They will need to give you permission to access these tools within the organization's roster. They can use the "Roster Management" guide found on our website for further support with this step.
    Click the blue "CREATE EVENT" button to open the event submission form.
    Fill out information about your event, including the Title, Theme, and Description. If your event title includes any UGA Trademarks (ex. "UGA", "University of Georgia", etc.), please be sure you have the appropriate Trademarks approval.
    If you are co-hosting the event with another organization or department, search for them in the "Additional organizations co-hosting this event" field. Be sure to look them up by the name they are registered under in the Involvement Network.
    Input the information for when your event will occur.
    Identify the location for your event. If you input an address, a map will automatically populate so that attendees can find directions to the event location.
    If the same event will be occurring multiple times, you can include it in the same event submission. Click "Add Another Date" and input the information for each event occurrence.
    Select the visibility for your event.
    Select any categories and perks that are applicable for your event. Involvement Network users can filter the events calendar using categories and perks, so selecting these ensures your event shows up in the appropriate searches. When you are done, click "NEXT" to advance to the next page of the form.
    If you want to require RSVPs or collect information from your event attendees prior to the event, you can build your RSVP questions right into your Involvement Network event. When you are done, click "NEXT" to advance to the next page of the form.
    If you are taking attendance at your event, you can build your post event feedback survey right into your Involvement Network event. When you are done inputting your questions, click "NEXT" to advance to the next page of the form.
    Upload an image or graphic for your event. If you do not upload an image, a stock photo will be provided based on the event category you selected on the first page of the form. Images should be 1300px by 780px or larger and horizontal in orientation. All images will be cropped to a 1.67:1 aspect ratio. JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG and PDF file types will be accepted. If your image includes any UGA Trademarks, please be sure you have the appropriate Trademarks approval. When you are done, click "NEXT" to advance to the next page of the form.
    Please complete the additional fields section of the form. If you are an organization advised by a department in Student Affairs, please be sure to indicate this in the final question. When you are done, click "NEXT " to advance to the next page of the form.
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    If you are an organization advised by a department in Student Affairs, you will be taken to one more page, where you will be asked to provide additional information regarding your event. If you have any questions about this section of the form, please consult with your advisor.
    Review your submission. When you are confident all details have been provided, click the blue "SUBMIT" button. Your event will be submitted for review. All events will be reviewed within 5 business days.