Creating an Expense Report Header | Scribe

    Creating an Expense Report Header

    • Gwen Hall-DiFabio |
    • 0 step |
    • 2 minutes
    If you want to view this guide while in Concur, log into Concur first by going to []( and selecting the **Concur** tab.
    Begin on the **Expense** page or anywhere in Concur where you can start a report.
    From the Expense page, select **Create New Report** to begin a new report.
    Select **\*DU-Travel Report** as the **Type of Report**.
    A red asterisk indicates a required field.
    The **Trip Name** field is a free text field to name a trip. The name used should be unique to each report and describe the nature of travel included in the expense report. Examples may include: a conference name (ATD Conference), destination/purpose (Chicago – Collaboration with Northwestern or Africa Research ), mileage for a period of time (April Mileage or 4/15- 4/30/2022 mileage). Consult with your business office for additional business unit process.
    In **Trip Start Date**, provide the beginning date of the trip.
    **First Day Departure Time** is when the employee leaves for the trip. The dropdown menu is in military time.
    In **Trip End Date**, provide the ending date of the trip.
    **Return Day Arrival Time** the employee returns from the trip. The dropdown menu is in military time.
    For **Trip Purpose**, select the purpose from the available dropdown menu.
    If you select **Other**, Additional Information is required
    In **Traveler Type**, select the type of traveler from the available dropdown menu.
    In **Trip Type** select the type of trip from the available dropdown. For Travel Reports, the G/L account is driven by the trip type.
    Please note: Do not select Non-Travel when working with Travel Report. WriteOff trip types are for ETR use only.
    **Additional Information** is a free text field to provide additional details regarding the report. Is required if Other is selected as the Trip Purpose.
    Type "Training Conference".
    **Funding Information** – The default travel cost object is displayed. - Either the default cost center on the position or the default travel cost object set through the Personal Data Change iForm. - Use the dropdown menu to change the company code or the cost object type. - Type in a cost object. Concur will “learn” frequently used cost objects and create a user-specific dropdown. - Expense reports cannot be split-funded at the report level. Expenses or groups of expenses can be allocated to different cost objects at the expense level.
    **Comment To/From Approvers/Processors** provides a place for users to send notes to send to approvers or place where notes display if the expense report is returned.
    Once you've entered information select **Create Report**.
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