Refer to the following guide to learn how to use IAM in the cloud\
Sign in to **AWS Management Console** as an **IAM User**
**Pre-requisite** - Ensure you have selected the AWS region closest to your location\
For this guide, we will be using us-east-2 (Ohio) as a preferred choice
Type **IAM** in the search bar and click on **IAM** to view the IAM Dashboard
**What is IAM ?**
IAM stands for Identity and Access Management. It is a web service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that allows you to manage access to AWS resources securely.
**IAM Dashboard** will open, click on the **User groups** from the left bar
**User groups** wizard will open, on the the right side click on the the **Create group** button to create a new IAM group
**Create user group** wizard will open, scroll to the Name the group section and provide the **User group name** as "**Operations"**
Scroll down to the **Attach Permissions Policies** section
Select the "**AmazonEC2FullAccess**" policy to give Amazon EC2 Access permissions to the IAM users that will be assigned to the "**Operations**" group
Scroll the page and click on **Create group** button
The "**Operations**" IAM User group will be created successfully
On the same page select **Users** from the left bar to create new or view existing IAM users
**Users** wizard will open, on the right side click on the **Create user** button
Create user wizard will open, Type the user name as "**in28minutes-ops-user**"
Select "**Provide user access to the AWS Management Console**" check box
Scroll down to the tip section and select the "**I want to create an IAM user**" radio button
Select the console password option. You can either choose :
**Autogenerated password** - Password generated by AWS as per the default password policy
**Custom password** - Password entered by the user resonating with the default password policy
Select the **Custom Password** radio button and enter the password of your choice
Select the "**Users must create a new password at next sign-in recommended**" checkbox
Enabling "**Users must create a new password at next Sign-in**" allows IAM users to create a new password at the next Sign-in for improved security
Click **Next** button to assign permission/s to the IAM user
Set the permission by selecting the "**Add user to group**" radio button in the Permission options section