Creating & Managing Groups | Scribe

    Creating & Managing Groups

    • 16 steps
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    Last updated 7/3/24.
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    Users can be categorized based on groups. Groups are useful whenever there is a set of users with characteristics that are different than those determining the branches of the organization chart. You can create groups manually, or using automatic rules (please contact [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) to setup automatic enrollment rules). To identify specific user segments, you can use the user additional fields that capture important user attributes. These fields may include information such as Job Title, Hire Date, Department, Location, Manager, Product, Employee Status, or anything else that may be valuable to track within the platform. By creating multiple groups, you as a training administrator can easily target various user segments for use in the platform.

    Adding Users to the System

    Before users can be added to groups, they must have accounts. Below is a simplified version of the bulk upload user creation process. For a more detailed guide, please see the Bulk Uploads and Status Changes of Users guide. If your users already have accounts, you can skip this section.
    Put together your user file using your own format or [use our template.]( Save it as a .csv.
    Login to your account on []( and click Manage My Learners.
    Click on "Import and Manage", then click "CSV"
    Upload your file, then click "Confirm."
    Map your headers, then import the file. Once that's done, return to the Admin Panel.

    Creating Groups

    To create a new group, log into the platform as the Superadmin and access the **Admin menu** from the **gear icon** in the top right corner of the platform.
    In the Admin Menu, press the **Groups** item in the *E-learning* section.
    On the main *Groups* page, press the **plus button** in the top right corner.
    In the *New Group* right panel, assign a name and, optionally, a description to the group. Then, choose the policy for the group’s population process and press **Create and edit**.

    Manually Add Users to Groups

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    You must create users in the system before they can be added to the group. See our guides on bulk uploading users, providing self-registration links, or manually creating users for more details.
    To manually assign users to the group move to the **Users** tab.
    To manually assign specific users or copy users from other groups, click on **Assign users** in the top right corner.
    Choose now whether you want to populate the group by selecting users individually, by copying the users already assigned to other groups, or by copying users from a branch.
    ## Associating users to groups via CSV files As a TA, you can associate users to either a manual or an automatic group using CSV files. To do so, click on the group name on the *Groups* management page, and click on the **Manage group associations via CSV** button in the top right corner of the page. A slideout panel will open on the right side of the page for the CSV file upload. For a successful upload, it is important to create a properly formatted CSV file. **Download the sample CSV** file for an example of file formatting. Once your file is ready, either drag and drop it into the upload section of the slideout panel or click the upload area to find the file. If you used a bulk upload to create users, you can use the same file to add users to a group. Please note that the maximum file size for CSV files is 3MB.