PR: How to complete a W-9 form (03-28-24) | Scribe

    PR: How to complete a W-9 form (03-28-24)

    • 5 steps |
    • 10 seconds
      IRS **W-9 form**, formal name **Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification**, is a one-page IRS tax document that businesses use to send to report income, transactions, or contributions to IRS. Periodically a customer will request such form. There are three sections on a W-9 form to complete: - Our company information - Part 1 - Part 2
      **Our company information is complete in the first section.** - Field #1: Enter SOUTHERN COUNTIES LUBRICANTS LLC, our full legal name - Field #3: Check mark the "Limited liability company" box, as a P=Partnership - Field #5: Enter "PO BOX 5765" address - Field #6: Enter City, state, and ZIP code of "ORANGE, CA 92863"
      **Part I** is Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN or FIN) Enter our "91-1874721" Federal Identification Number
      **Part II** of certificate is the signature and date fields. Must be signed and dated for certificate to be valid.
      Sample image of a completed W-9 form:
      information ordinal icon
      Note: The full packet sometimes come with five additional pages detailing instructions. Customer will only need the first page as shown on these steps provided.