DOC: Warehouse Completion Tracking Log; collections (04-14-24) | Scribe

    DOC: Warehouse Completion Tracking Log; collections (04-14-24)

    • 7 steps |
    • 19 seconds


      SAMPLE of completed log. Follow steps 2-8.
      Type in the date you started contacting customer for each warehouse Example image is using the date of 4/19/24
      Type in the date you started contacting customer for each warehouse Example image is using the same date of 4/19/24
      Type in the warehouse number(s) completed between the Start Date and the Finish Date. NOTE: If completed more that one warehouse is a day simply list the warehouse numbers in a single field. Example image has warehouse 8 and 9 both completed on April 19th.
      The Comments field is to explain comments you would like to relay to the person reporting to. This is often used to explain delays or anything outside of the normal results. Example Comments: off work early, helped with crediting project, in meetings for 3 hours, etc.
      Please a border after the last day of each week. Use the "Thick Bottom Border" as reflected on this image

      Email Report

      Final step is to email reporting weekly, specifics: Subject line is "WHS completion tracking" In the body of the email paste that week's data