Definition of the Fields in the Item Overview Section of a Buy@Duke Shopping Cart | Scribe

    Definition of the Fields in the Item Overview Section of a Buy@Duke Shopping Cart

    • Gwen Hall-DiFabio |
    • 6 steps |
    • 25 seconds
      - **Line Number and Item Number:** The system will auto-populate once items are in the cart. The user does not complete it. - **Supplier:** This field is the name of the supplier/vendor. The system populates this field based on the Supplier Id. The user does not complete it. - **Supplier ID:** The SAP vendor number associated with the vendor. Enter the number or select the box to open a search. Users can create a customized personal value list of user-specific frequently used vendors. Instructions are available <>Users may leave this field blank for new vendors and should flag the cart in Special Handing. - **Supplier Cat #:** This field is the catalog number of the item in the cart. This field will automatically populate for orders from suppliers in the Duke Marketplace. Users will provide this number when creating text and confirming/bill-only purchase orders. This field is not required when purchasing items or services that do not have numbers. - **\*Description:** This field is a written description of the item or service you are purchasing. This field will automatically populate for orders from suppliers in the Duke Marketplace. Users must provide a written description when creating text and confirming/bill-only orders. Corporate AP uses this field to match the purchase order lines when processing invoices. Users should use quotes or specific information describing the good or service to create the description. Do not restate the vendor name. For confirming/bill-only purchase orders, use the text included on the attached invoice. - **\*Quantity:** This field is the number of items to be purchased based on the selected unit of measure (UoM). This field will automatically populate for orders from suppliers in the Duke Marketplace. Users will need to provide this information when creating text orders. For confirming/bill-only purchase orders, users should enter "1" since you are creating the purchase order to pay one invoice. - **\*UoM:** This field is the unit of measure associated with the items. The standard abbreviations for SAP units of measure are accessible via the search menu. This field will automatically populate for orders from suppliers in the Duke Marketplace. Users will need to provide this information when creating text orders. For confirming/bill-only purchase orders, users should enter "EA" for each since you are creating the purchase order to pay one invoice. - **\*Price:** This field is the item price based upon the unit of measure. This field will automatically populate for orders from suppliers in the Duke Marketplace. Users will need to provide this information when creating text orders. For confirming/bill-only purchase orders, this should be the invoice amount attached to the purchase order.
      - **\*Account Category:** Fund type used to make the purchase. The field may default from the user's personalizations, but users can change it in the cart if the default is incorrect. - **\*Account Assignment:** This field is the specific funding source you use to purchase. Account assignment is specific to each line, and users can choose to split-fund a purchase order line. If a line is split-funded, this field will be blank once the user enters all funding sources. The field may default from the user's personalizations, but users can change it in the cart if the default is incorrect. - **\*GL Account:** Duke expense general ledger account (will start with a six) used to post the expense. Users can reference a complete list here <>. This field is crucial as it may trigger specific workflow routing and impact how expenses impact business unit budgets. The field may default from the user's personalizations, but users can change it in the cart if the default is incorrect. - **Material Group:** This field associates the cart item with specific groups of materials based on Duke's SAP setup. This field will automatically populate for orders from suppliers in the Duke Marketplace. Users must provide this information when creating text and confirming/bill-only orders. Highlighting the box offers a drop-down menu. Users should select from the first 19 material groups unless Procurement recommends a specific group based on a particular purchase. - \***Delivery Date:** While a standard seven-day date populates on the purchase order, Duke vendors base delivery on contractual agreements; therefore, items they often deliver before this date. For "rush" deliveries," flag the cart in special handling and include notes describing the need. For confirming/bill-only orders, leave the system default. - \***Room Number:** This field is the physical location at the delivery address where the vendor should leave the items. The field may default from the user's personalizations, but users can change it in the cart if the default is incorrect. - **Goods Recipient:** Name of the person whose name should be on the package or the person who is knowledgeable of the order. The field may default from the user's personalizations, but users can change it in the cart if the default is incorrect.
      - **Note:** Hyperlink to open a section of the screen where may add notes specific for either the vendor or Procurement. Particularly important if there is some type of special delivery instructions or specific action necessary. - **Attachments:** Hyperlink to open the section of the screen where users may add attachments. Duke Marketplace orders typically do not include attachments. Text orders should always have a quote or some other documentation of prices from the vendor. Confirming/bill only purchase orders ***must*** include an attached invoice. Purchases may require other attachments based on the goods/services included in the cart. - **Material Group Description:** System default. Users do not need to take action.
      - **Special Handling:** Users select this drop-down for specific situations that require additional action or special handling. - None: System default. - High: High-priority purchases that will typically have shortened delivery windows. - Confirming Order - Bill Only: Indicates the user has attached an invoice to the cart that requires payments. This option creates an 850xxxxxxx purchase order and notifies Procurement to pull an invoice from the cart to forward it to Corporate AP. - New Address - Indicates the user has attached vendor paperwork (W-9) indicating the vendor has a new address. - New Vendor - Indicates the vendor is not in SAP. A new vendor packet must be attached to the cart. The vendor packet for domestic vendors is here:<> The vendor packet for foreign vendors is here:<> - Special Shipping and Handling - Indicates the user has included specific shipping and handling instructions that Procurement ensures the vendor receives.
      - **Account Assignment Description:** Text referencing the name associated with the cost object in the line. The system automatically populates this field. - **G/L Description:** Text referencing the name associated with the general ledger used in the line. The system automatically populates this field. - **Item Status:** The status of the item. Populates once there is a purchase order indicating the status of items. The system automatically populates this field. - **AC Assignment:** This field displays the account assignment for that line. Select the hyperlink to open the Account Assignment. This field is particularly helpful in displaying split-funded lines.
      For standing/framework purchase orders: - **\*Description:** This field is a written description of the item or service you are purchasing. Users must provide this description. Corporate AP uses this field to match the purchase order lines when processing invoices. Users should use quotes or specific information describing the service to create the description. Do not restate the vendor name. - **\*Material Group:** This field associates the cart item with specific groups of materials based on Duke's SAP setup. Highlighting the box provides a drop-down menu. Users should select from the first 19 material groups unless Procurement recommends a specific group based on a specific purchase. - **\*Value Limit:** Users enter the purchase order amount. That amount should should always be USD. - **\*Expected Value:** Users enter the amount of commitment SAP will book on the cost object. Generally, this amount is the same as the Value Limit. - **\*Required Between:** Users enter a date range for the purchase order that does not exceed two years. If users retroactively create standing/framework orders, they will receive a warning message. This warning is not a hard stop, and users may continue. - **Supplier:** This field is the SAP vendor number associated with the vendor. Enter the number or select the box to open a vendor search. Users can create a customized personal value list of user-specific frequently used vendors. Instructions are available here:<> Users may leave this field blank for new vendors and should flag the cart in Special Handing. - **Account Assignment:** Choose "Known" to indicate a single, specific funding source for the order, and enter the information into the cart line once you select OK. Choose "Unknown" if Dukes has permitted your unit to use that option. This permission is most often allowed if there is a business case for using multiple cost objects to pay for invoices against a standing/framework order. For DHIP users, follow the process found here:[ Library%2FQRG DHIP Guide for Split Funding Standing Framework Orders Final.pdf&parent=%2Fsites%2FPDC-Intranet%2FSiteAssets%2FDocument Library](