Go to <https://mm.itsacheckmate.com/> and log in with your credentials
Click on "**Store Management**" in the navigation sidebar.
In the "**Single Select**" dropdown, choose **"Edit Menu."**
Delete Modifier
In the **Modifiers** sidebar, **click the delete icon** next to the modifier you want to delete.
A **confirmation pop-up** will appear, stating that the action cannot be undone. **Type "DELETE"** to confirm, then **click "Delete."**
Delete Modifier Group
**Click the delete icon** next to the modifier group you wish to delete.
A **confirmation pop-up** will appear, indicating that the action cannot be undone. **Type "DELETE"** to confirm, then **click "Delete."**
Delete Item
**Click the delete icon** next to the item you wish to remove.
A **confirmation pop-up** will appear, stating that the action cannot be undone. **Type "DELETE"** to confirm, then **click "Delete."**
**Note:** Deleting an item or modifier from the menu requires re-adding and submitting it for review to include it back in the menu.
Delete category
**Click the delete icon** next to the category you want to delete.
A **confirmation pop-up** will appear, indicating that the action cannot be undone. **Type "DELETE"** to confirm, then **click "Delete."**
**Note:** Deleting a category will archive all items within it from the menu and exclude them from the next update.
Once all deletions are complete, **click "Submit for Review"** from the "**Edit Menu**" ribbon.
A **confirmation pop-up** will appear. **Click "Confirm"** to send the changes for review.
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Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key