Delete Categories/Menu Items/Modifier Groups/Modifiers | Scribe

Delete Categories/Menu Items/Modifier Groups/Modifiers

  • Quality and Training |
  • 0 step |
  • 25 seconds
  • ItsacheckmateItsacheckmate
  • DoubleclickDoubleclick
Go to <> and log in with your credentials
Click on "**Store Management**" in the navigation sidebar.
In the "**Single Select**" dropdown, choose **"Edit Menu."**

Delete Modifier

In the **Modifiers** sidebar, **click the delete icon** next to the modifier you want to delete.
A **confirmation pop-up** will appear, stating that the action cannot be undone. **Type "DELETE"** to confirm, then **click "Delete."**

Delete Modifier Group

**Click the delete icon** next to the modifier group you wish to delete.
A **confirmation pop-up** will appear, indicating that the action cannot be undone. **Type "DELETE"** to confirm, then **click "Delete."**

Delete Item

**Click the delete icon** next to the item you wish to remove.
A **confirmation pop-up** will appear, stating that the action cannot be undone. **Type "DELETE"** to confirm, then **click "Delete."**
**Note:** Deleting an item or modifier from the menu requires re-adding and submitting it for review to include it back in the menu.

Delete category

**Click the delete icon** next to the category you want to delete.
A **confirmation pop-up** will appear, indicating that the action cannot be undone. **Type "DELETE"** to confirm, then **click "Delete."**
**Note:** Deleting a category will archive all items within it from the menu and exclude them from the next update.
Once all deletions are complete, **click "Submit for Review"** from the "**Edit Menu**" ribbon.
A **confirmation pop-up** will appear. **Click "Confirm"** to send the changes for review.
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