Designing Good Solutions with Azure VMs | Scribe

    Designing Good Solutions with Azure VMs

    • Hafeez Baig |
    • 8 steps |
    • 43 seconds
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    Refer to this guide to learn how to Create a Virtual Machine in Azure\ <>


    Sign in into the **Microsoft Azure Portal**


    Type **Virtual Machines** in the search bar and click on the **Virtual machines** to view the Virtual Machines dashboard

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    **What is Azure Virtual Machine?** An Azure Virtual Machine is a scalable computing resource provided by Microsoft Azure, enabling users to deploy and manage virtualized instances of operating systems such as Windows or Linux in the cloud.


    On the Virtual machines dashboad, click on the Name **my-first-vm**


    **my-first-vm** wizard will open. To view the **Size** of the VM, click on the **Size** from the left bar

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    **What does mean by Size in a Virtual Machine?**\ \ In Azure, "**Size**" refers to the specification or configuration of a virtual machine (VM), including the amount of CPU cores, memory (RAM), disk capacity, and network bandwidth allocated to the VM. VM sizes vary based on workload requirements, offering different combinations of resources to meet specific performance and scalability needs.


    You can view various **VM Sizes**, select VM Size according to your requirement


    After selecting the size, scroll the page and click on the **Resize** button **Note:** The Virtual Machine will restart once the resizing process is complete.

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    Congratulations on exploring VM Size in Azure


    To view **Disaster Recovery**, search for "**site**" and click on **Disaster recovery** from the left bar

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    **What is Disaster Recovery in Virtual Machine?** Disaster recovery (DR) in Azure refers to the strategies and processes designed to ensure business continuity and data protection for virtual machines (VMs) in the event of unexpected disruptions.


    **Disaster recovery** wizard will open, here you can view the Disaster Recovery Options and Features

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    Congratulations on completing this lab and Designing Good Solutions with Azure VMs! Good Job!