Type the email address provided to you ex."[academicaffairs.gpt@augie.edu](mailto:academicaffairs.gpt@augie.edu)"
Click "Next"
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Paste the password that was emailed to you
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Alert! DO NOT enter in a number for two-factor authentication. Skip this step.
Signing into you ChatGPT account
Navigate to [https://chatgpt.com/](https://chatgpt.com/)
Click "Continue with Google"
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Select your .gpt@augie.edu account
Designing your custom GPT instructions
Click here.
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Tip! This is where you can access other GPTs that your Augustana colleagues have created. Check out the "Shared with Me" tab.
Search for/select the "Augustana GPT Trainer." If you don't see it click "Load more" and then click "Augustana GPT Trainer"
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Tip! It can be helpful to use ChatGPT to help you build customGPTs.
Click the "Message Augustana GPT Trainer" field.
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Type "I would like to develop a custom GPT for \_______\_ (fill in the blank). Please provide me with a name for the GPT, a description, custom instructions, and recommend the files that would be helpful for me to load as GPT knowledge. [[enter]]"
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