Directional Terms | Scribe

    Directional Terms

    • Carolyn Quintero |
    • 16 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • BoisestateBoisestate
    • MonsidoMonsido
    After logging into Monsido, select Policies from the navigation menu.
    Screenshot, policies selected
    Then select "Policy List" from the side navigation menu area.
    Screenshot, policy list selected
    Locate and select "Image missing alt text description" from the list of Accessibility Policies. If necessary, use the search field to filter the page results.
    Screenshot, directional terms highlighted
    Locate the number of policy hits at the end of the table row, and select the hyperlink.
    Screenshot, number of page hits highlighted
    Select the hyperlink for a page in the list. This will open the policy report for that page.
    Screenshot, page report selected
    Locate the policy issue, "Directional Terms" and review the details about the issue.
    Screenshot, directional terms highlighted
    In the Policy note area, review the list of directional term matches. This particular policy is looking for instances of the words above, below, left, right, top, and bottom. In this particular example, the page has the term "below" somewhere on the page. If there are multiple matches, make note of these as well. The issue with directional terms like below/above, left/right, or top/botton, is their dependence on visual interpretation. This creates a barrier for users who rely on screen readers or other assistive technologies that don't translate visual cues like left and right. However, sometimes the term that is found on the page does not need to be changed. This happens when the term is not used as a directional term. For example: 3.0 GPA and above/below; "They did what they felt was right;" "I was on top of the world." The only way to make this determination is to review the page. For tips and suggestions, visit [Webguide: Fix Policy Violations](
    Screnshot, directional term below highlighted
    Select the hyperlink, located after the page title, to visit the live page.
    screenshot, hyperlink selected
    Search for the term by using your browsers search feature by selecting Ctrl + F or Cmd + F. Enter the term from the policy match. In this example, the word we are looking for is "below." The term is referencing a table located on the page. Continue to Step 10 to edit. If after reviewing the page, you determine the term is not directional, Skip to Step 15 to complete your review of this page.
    Screenshot, below highlighted on page
    Scan the page and look for the name of the section or item that's being referenced. In this example, the table is called "Table of Available Apartments." The best option for fixing this issue is to replace the word "below" with the name of the table.
    Screenshot, table of available apartments highlighted
    If you are logged into WordPress, select "Edit Page." Otherwise, login to your account first, then select "Edit Page."
    Screenshot, edit page highlighted
    Locate where the term in question is found on the page and replace with the appropriate term. In this example we are replacing "below" with "Table of Available Apartments section on this page." This more accurately describes the location of the content on the page.
    Screenshot, below is highlighted in the text editor
    After making the edit, select the "Update" button to save your changes.
    Screenshot, update button selected
    In Monsido, locate the "Directional Terms" policy and select the Action button.
    Screenshot, action button highlighted
    If you made a changes to the page to update one or more directional terms, such as in the example on this job aid, select "Mark as fixed" to indicate the error is now fixed. If you do not need to change the term on the page, select "Ignore" to ignore future policy hits on this page.
    Screenshot, mark as fixed highlighted
    Select "Ok" from the dialogue box that appears. Repeat this process as often as necessary to clear directional terms issues.
    Screenshot, OK button highlighted on dialogue box