Display Purchase Order History - SAP Transaction ME23N | Scribe

    Display Purchase Order History - SAP Transaction ME23N

    • Gwen Hall-DiFabio |
    • 24 steps |
    • 2 minutes
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      ME23N displays slightly different information for different types of purchase orders. This guide addresses the most common types of purchase orders.

      One-Time Purchase Orders

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      Click [here](https://duke.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=7b302c44-c020-4b55-ad10-b15500e725a6) to watch a 5-minute and 57-second video demonstrating how to Display a Purchase Order History for a One-Time Purchase Order.
      One-time purchase orders include items with a specific quantity and price per unit of measure. Items may come from the SAP material master, a Duke Marketplace vendor, an automated resupply order, or a text cart entered by a Duke requisitioner. These purchase orders commonly begin with numbering sequences 452xxxxxxx, 455xxxxxxx, ..........
      Enter the transition action name, **ME23N,** in the **Command Field** or find the transaction in the **SAP Users Menu** in the **Purchasing** folder. Select the **Green Check** or **Enter** on the keyboard to launch the transaction.
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      ME23N has "sticky" fields and displays, meaning the display "remembers" what you did previously. Keep this in mind, as your view may not align precisely with the screenshots included in this guide.
      The PO history transaction has three distinct areas of the screen display. Select the **folder icon** to open each section of the display. The best practice is to have the **Item Overview and Item Detail** sections open at all times. - **Header** - Displays information from the requisition that is part of the header record. It is often blank but will contain comments or notes from Procurement and Supply Chain Management if applicable. - **Item Overview** - Displays each line of the PO, including the item description, quantity, unit price, and, in some instances, the requisitioner and link to the requisition number. - **Item Detail -** Features a drop-down menu where users can select each PO line and see detailed information, including the funding sources, invoice receipt, and associated goods receipt.
      In the image below, each section of the transaction is open.
      ME23N "remembers" your previous PO number, so select the **Other Purchase Order** icon to enter your PO number.
      In the **Select Document** pop-up, enter the PO number. Select **Other Document** to display the PO of interest.
      Highlighting the line in **Item Overview** indicates the line of interest in that screen section. Slide the scroll bar to the right to see additional details. **Item Details** features a drop-down menu where you can select the specific PO line of interest. The **Item Detail Tabs** display information about the line you've chosen from the drop-down menu. In the example below, you are looking at line 1 of a one-line PO.
      In this screenshot, you are looking at line 4 of a PO with 24 lines.
      Select the tab of interest to display information about the selected line of the PO. This guide focuses on tabs business units will use most often. You may choose other tabs to view additional details.
      Select the **Delivery** tab to view the PO goods receipt information. The **Goods Receipt**, **GR non-valuated**, and **Delivery Complete** boxes are "checked" or "unchecked" based on the goods receipt settings in the PO. In the screenshot below, this purchase order requires a valuated goods receipt. You can determine that because the **Goods Receipt** box is checked and the **GR non-valuated** is unchecked. Additionally, for this PO, the business unit received all items in the PO because the **Delivery Complete** box is also checked. Valuated goods receipt is the default for most of Duke Health. When a PO is set up for valuated goods receipt, when the business unit performs a goods receipt, they authorize payment to the vendor and post the expense to the PO's funding source.
      In this **Delivery** tab example, the PO is set up for valuated goods receipt, as **Goods Receipt** is checked, but there is an outstanding quantity as the **Delivery Complete** box is unchecked.
      The PO is set up for non-valuated goods receipt in this Delivery tab example, as the **Goods Receipt** and **GR non-valuated** boxes are checked. The **Delivery Complete** box is unchecked. Once the delivery is complete, SAP will flip the box to check. Units of Duke University - including the Schools of Medicine and Nursing - who require goods receipt, use non-valuated goods receipt.
      In this final **Delivery** tab example, all boxes are unchecked, which indicates the PO does not require goods receipt.
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      Understanding the difference between valuated and non-valuated goods receipts helps you make the connection between how a business unit's operational process impacts the unit's financials. Valuated goods receipt is the default for most of Duke Health. When a PO is set up for valuated goods receipt, when the business unit performs a goods receipt, they authorize payment to the vendor and post the expense to the PO's funding source. Non-valuated goods receipt is the default for most of Duke University when making purchases with sponsored research funds. If the PO requires a non-valuated goods receipt, when the business unit performs the goods receipt, they only authorize payment to the vendor. SAP expenses the funding source assigned to the PO when Corporate Accounts Payable posts the invoice. If a PO does not require goods receipt, SAP expenses the funding source assigned to the PO when Corporate Accounts Payable posts the invoice.
      The **Account Assignment** tab provides information on the GL account, funding source, and item recipient (if available) from the PO. The screenshot below shows a PO line with a single funding source.
      If the PO line has multiple funding sources, the screen will display all funding sources along with the dollar amount and percent of the total SAP expensed to each.