Dispositioning Applicants | Scribe

    Dispositioning Applicants

    • Ellen Irwin |
    • 8 steps |
    • 25 seconds
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    **Dispositioning a candidate: the process of moving a candidate along in the hiring process or removing them from consideration.** Hiring managers should disposition candidates at the following stages of the recruiting process: - Initial review of applicants - After an interview is conducted - After the finalist has accepted the formal job offer
    [Click here](https://tcu.dc4.pageuppeople.com/HiringManagerDashboard) to go to your PageUp Recruiting Dashboard.
    Click "**# Jobs open**" under the *New Requisitions* tile.
    Click "**Review applications**" on the far right for the respective job.
    Scroll through the list of applicants to disposition each one. (See Step 7 and 8)
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    Tip! ***Steps 5 and 6 are suggestions for finding specific candidates easily.***
    Use the ***search bar*** to search for specific candidates.
    Use the "***Application status***" filter to display only certain statuses (e.g., "First Review," "Phone Interview").
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    Step 7 indicates how to move a candidate ***forward*** in the recruiting process.
    Click "**Progress**" and choose a status from the shortlist to indicate the candidate's most current status in the recruiting process. ***Note:*** *Different list options will display depending on the candidate's current status. The point of the shortlist is to funnel only certain statuses until the candidate reaches "Verbal offer accepted/declined" or "Not selected/Withdrawn."* *You may have to click "Progress" several times to go through the appropriate recruiting steps (e.g., First Review, Interview 1, Interview 2, Recommend to Hire).*
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    Step 8 shows how to ***remove*** a candidate from consideration.
    Click "**Decline,**" click "***Not selected,***" and select an appropriate disposition reason (e.g., does not meet minimum qualification). ***Note:*** *Choose the closest reason available. Avoid using the "HR only" option as it is reserved for HR.*
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    If you have questions, please contact [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) regarding candidate dispositions.