To ensure that self drive turn-by-turn directions are included on the Printable Itinerary, you will need to specify this in Printable Itinerary Options window. \
To navigate to the Printable Itinerary Options window, you will need to be in the Additional Details step of the Itinerary Builder.
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Printable Itinerary
Click on the orange button 'Printable Itinerary' on the bottom left-hand side of your screen under the Outputs options.
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Classic Printable Itinerary and Contemporary Printable Itinerary will have different options for where the self drive directions appear.
Classic Printable Itinerary Directions
Driving Directions can be displayed at the end of 'Each Day', or at the very 'End of the itinerary', before the Terms an Conditions and Travel Information. Alternatively, you can choose to not display any driving directions by selecting 'Hide'.
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Below is an example of what the directions will display as in your Classic Printable Itinerary.
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Contemporary Printable Itinerary Directions
Driving Directions can be displayed 'at the End' of the itinerary, before the Terms and Conditions and Travel Information. Alternatively, you can choose to not display any driving directions by choosing the 'Hide' option.
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Below is an example of what the directions will display as in your Contemporary Printable Itinerary.
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Print Directions
The 'Print Directions' option will enable you to download all of your driving routes in a separate document so that it is not included in your full comprehensive travel document making it much easier for the traveller to refer to their self drive routes.
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Below is an example of what the directions will display as in your Print Directions document.
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