Let's explore Drafts. To start, click "Drafts" from the sidebar menu under Publish.
Drafts enable you to view all of your draft TikTok posts. Drafts are perfect for when your post isn't quite complete or you're not ready to publish or schedule it.
Previewing is easy; simply click the video to play it, or if it's an image post, use the arrows to scroll through your images.
You can view the posts caption underneath the video.
You can click the three dots (options) box to open the options menu for this draft.
You can download, edit, move, or delete your draft.
Clicking "Edit" will allow you to make changes to your post, such as the caption, scheduling, posting method, and more.
Clicking "Move" will enable you to transfer this post to another TikTok account you have within TokMate. To do this click "Move"
Then, simply select the TikTok account you would like to move it to and click "Move." That is all there is to it.