Duke@Work - Accessing and Using My Inbox for Workflow Approvals | Scribe

    Duke@Work - Accessing and Using My Inbox for Workflow Approvals

    • Gwen Hall-DiFabio |
    • 17 steps |
    • 3 minutes
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      My Inbox provides an alternative to the Universal Worklist for SAP workflow approvals. My Inbox will include JV approvals and the standard workflow approvals seen in the Universal Worklist, such as iForms and AP Check Request approval. Approvers can choose to use the new, more modern, fully mobile My Inbox for approvals or can continue to use the Universal Worklist and the SAP Inbox with the following exceptions: - SAP purchase requisition approvals **must** be completed in My Inbox. They will not display in the Universal Worklist. - Buy@Duke Carts will only be available for approval in the Universal Worklist or the existing Approve Shopping Cart app that will display on Duke@Work's Fiori S4 Launchpad page in Duke@Work. Approvers will continue to receive email notifications for workflows that require approvals.

      Accessing and Navigating My Inbox

      From Duke@Work, select the **Fiori S4 Launchpad.**
      Tiles will be displayed based on your roles. Select the **My Inbox** tile. The number of workflows in your inbox displays. Please note: Approvers can access Buy@Duke carts available for approval via the Approve Shopping Cart app.
      alert ordinal icon
      The S4 SAPgui via web browser tile is not fully functional at this time. Please do not use the tile.
      The left side of the screen displays a list of **All Tasks**. This list will include SAP purchase requisitions, JVs, AP Checks, iForms, and other workflows for which you are a workflow approver. The transaction highlighted in the **All Tasks** pane is the transaction that displays for approval on the right side of the screen.
      Select the **Arrows** on the **All Tasks List** to sort the list. You can always refresh the list by selecting the refresh icon.
      Select the **Filter** on the **All Tasks List** to change the view of tasks.
      You can choose to filter your task in various ways. Select **Task Type** if you want to view only specific transaction types.
      Select the types of transactions you want to review. Select **OK** to filter the **All Tasks** list. Please note: WebDynPro is the term used for AP Check Request Approvals.

      Approving a Transaction Workflow

      The following sections show approvals for common transactions - iForm, AP Check Request, and JV. Other tasks may display in My Inbox with slight variations on approval displays.
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      SAP Purchase Requisition approvals not discussed in this guide. Review [My Inbox - Approving A SAP Electronic Purchase Requisition](https://scribehow.com/shared/My_Inbox__Approving_a_SAP_Electronic_Requisition__V08cIqrVQ0GlkafZn6o9yA) for guidance.

      Approving an iForm

      For an iForm approval, text displays indicating it is an approval request.\ Action buttons are available at the bottom of the page: - **Show Log** - Select to display the routing of the workflow to this point in the workflow. - **Claim** - Select to pull the workflow from other approvers' task lists. Only take this action if you will approve the workflow. Once a workflow is "claimed," the button will change to **Release,** and the workflow will not display for others until you select **Release**. - **Open Task** - Select to open the task for approval Select **Open Task** to display the iForm.
      The screenshot below displays the iForm log, which shows the workflow's history.
      Review the iForm thoroughly. Action buttons display at the bottom. - **Approve** - Select to approve the iForm. - **Reject** - Select to reject the iForm and terminate the workflow and the iForm. This action will require the initiator to recreate the iForm. - **Back to Initiator** - Select to return the iForm for correction. This action requires you to enter notes. - **Close Window** - Select to close the iForm with no action taken. The iForm approval remains in your **All Task List**.

      Approving an AP Check Request

      For an AP Check Request approval, text will display information about the request. Please note: AP Check Request will display as WebDynPro. Action buttons are available at the bottom of the page: - **Show Log** - Select it to display the workflow's history. - **Claim** - Select to pull the workflow from other approvers' task lists. Only take this action if you will approve the workflow. Once a workflow is "claimed," the button will change to **Release,** and the workflow will not display for others until you select **Release**. - **Forward** - Select to forward the workflow approval to someone not in the workflow. You may enter the person's name or NetID to forward the workflow to them. Once you forward, the workflow will no longer be available to you. - **Suspend** - Select to pick a future date to address the workflow. The workflow will disappear from workflow until that future date. On that date, it will reappear as a task requiring action. - **Open Task** - Select to open the task for approval Select **Open Task** to display the iForm.
      The screenshot below displays the Check Request log showing the workflow's history.