Duplicate Your Existing Oxford Insight Course | Scribe

    Duplicate Your Existing Oxford Insight Course

        Oxford Insight gives lecturers the option to start with a new course each term or to duplicate their existing course. Duplicating a course allows all customization and edits made to the existing course to stay in place for the next term. Duplicating your course from one term to the next makes it easy to update your Insight course for a new cohort of students.
        Click "LOG IN" using your existing Oxford Insight credentials. If you do not remember your credentials, please click "Retrieve your password" and follow the instructions to reset.
        Toggle on the update button in the upper right corner of your "My Courses" dashboard.
        Navigate to the course you wish to duplicate. Click "Duplicate".
        To change the title of the course as it appears on your dashboard and your students dashboard, double-click on the title of the course and begin typing.
        Click the green check on the corner of the title to save your changes.
        Toggle off "update" in the upper right corner to access your course content.
        To access your newly duplicated course, click on the title.
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