EV.2.4 Uploading Receipts and Bills | Scribe

    EV.2.4 Uploading Receipts and Bills

    • 0 step
    • AkadianAkadian
    • IntuitIntuit
    Start in the Advanced version of the Sample company. <https://qbo.intuit.com/redir/testdrive_us_advanced>
    Note: This can be completed in the regular version of the Sample company, but you will not have access to the updated AI feature for analyzing receipts and bills.
    Now you can start the exercise.

    Upload the Receipt and Bill

    First, navigate to the Receipts tab of the Transactions center.
    You will need to have the following receipt and bill handy throughout this exercise. - [Receipt](https://www.fastandeasyqbo.com/SampleReceipt.pdf) - [Bill](https://www.fastandeasyqbo.com/SampleBill.pdf)
    On the Left Nav Bar, hover over "Transactions" and click "Receipts"
    Note the different options for uploading from this screen. 1. Upload by emailing the custom email address provided 2. Drag and drop 3. Upload button
    Not pictured: Drag and drop the two files to the blue drag-and-drop area of the screen.
    Once done processing, you will see the two files in the For review tab. You can see that QBO has extracted as much information as it could from the uploaded files to start building the transaction.

    Review the Transactions

    Now, take a look at each transaction and make necessary adjustments.
    On the Mahoney Mugs line, click "Review"
    QBO will open a pop-up to login again. You do not have the password because you are in the Sample company. Just close out of it. Note: As a result, the image of the file will not populate here. This is simply a limitation of the Sample company. You would typically be able to view the file on the left side of the screen.
    At the top left of the screen, you can see that "Expense" has been selected. Change that to "Bill"
    The Description is a little long. You can delete the extra information and just keep the relevant details or leave it as is.
    Double check that everything else in the transaction looks ok. The vendor, date, and amount all look correct. In a real-life scenario, you would probably want to create a new account if Craig is selling rubber ducks and plushies, but that is beyond the scope of this exercise. You can leave the Category field as is.
    Click "Save and close"
    On the Chin's receipt line, click "Review"
    You will need to close the pop-up again.
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