Edit Attendee Information and Make Substitutions (VPPPA Members) | Scribe

Edit Attendee Information and Make Substitutions (VPPPA Members)

  • Sierra |
  • 0 step |
  • 57 seconds
  • WeblinkauthWeblinkauth
  • AtlasamsAtlasams
  • VpppaVpppa
Navigate to [https://vpppa.org/](https://vpppa.org/)
Click "Sign In"
Click "Login" If you need help with your password, Click "Forgot Your Password?"
Once logged in, you'll be viewing your personal profile. If you are updating information on your own registration, or giving your registration to someone else, you can do so from your personal profile. If you are changing registrations on behalf of someone else, skip to Step 8.
To edit your registration information, scroll to the My Events Module, and Click "Edit Attendees."
If you are transferring your registration to someone else, click on the "Related Profile Lookup" dropdown to view your current company roster. Don't see who you're looking for? [Here's a quick guide](https://scribehow.com/shared/How_to_Add_a_Profile_on_VPPPA_Website__7Xs3IY1hTFOhevQt4zZP_g) to help get them added to your roster. If you just need to make a change to your current information, go ahead and replace the existing information with the change you'd like to make. Just be sure all fields marked with a red asterisk (\*) are still completed.
When you're finished, click "SAVE." Your changes to your registration have been saved. You may need to refresh your browser to see the reflected changes. If you've transferred your registration to someone else, you'll no longer see the event listed in your "My Events" module.
If you need to make changes on behalf of other registrants, you'll need to switch from your personal profile, to the company profile. Click "Switch Profile"
If you are associated with multiple member sites, select the Company profile associated with the registrations you'd like to change.
To edit your registrants' information, scroll to the My Events Module, and Click "Edit Attendees."
If you're transferring the registration from one attendee to another, use the "Related Profile Lookup" dropdown to view all employees listed on your company roster. Don't see who you're looking for? Here's a[ quick guide](https://scribehow.com/shared/How_to_Add_a_Profile_on_VPPPA_Website__7Xs3IY1hTFOhevQt4zZP_g) to add them. If you're just adding or updating details to an existing registrant, enter the new information in the appropriate field, or replace the existing information with the updated details. Don't forget to make sure all required fields marked with a Red Asterisk (\*) are still completed before moving on.
When transferring registrations to new attendees, don't forget to update all appropriate details, including any emergency contact information, t-shirt sizes, dietary restrictions, or allergies. If you don't have that information on hand, you can ask the new registrant to update their information using this same guide once you've finalized the substitution.
To finalize the substitution, click "Save."
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