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Editing Point Values for Assessments
From your course dashboard, choose "Content" from the left navigation menu to reveal the table of contents and choose the assessment you wish to edit.
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Each chapter can be expanded to enable the editing of each section or the chapter-wide resources.
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Click on the assessment you wish to edit.
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Click on "Instructor View" from the left navigation menu.
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Select "Authoring Mode" to enable editing.
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Hover over the assessment you wish to change the value of to reveal your options. Choose "Edit".
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Click the name of the question.
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Click "Edit" on the right side of the sceen.
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Click on the box labeled "Point(s)" and input the number of points you want this question to be worth.
Keep in mind you can choose fractions to ensure that your total point values are reflected correctly.
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Click "Save" at the top. Once the button turns green, your changes have successfully saved.
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Click "Done" once you have finished making your edits.
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Click "Save" again once all changes have been made.
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