Editing The Stat Tables On Your Custom Spray Chart Reports
Chris Gennaro |
8 steps |
47 seconds
Navigate to [https://webapp.643charts.com/interface/](https://webapp.643charts.com/interface/)
Click on the CUSTOM SPRAYS module.
Click the EDIT icon on whatever section of the report you'd like to edit. Here we'll select the single-line stat table above the LEFT SPLIT Spray Chart.
Editing the stats shown in the stat table DOES NOT change what is shown in the Spray Chart.
Select the stat you'd like to change. They'll be a dropdown of all the possible stats.
You can see here that we've changed OPS to BABIP. You can change any of the stats you'd like or delete the stats to limit the number shown. Once you are satisfied with your selections, click "Save Cell Edit"
To edit one of the center stat tables, click the EDIT icon.