Editing The Work Request | Scribe

    Editing The Work Request

    • Janine Chambers |
    • 15 steps |
    • 48 seconds
    • JobberJobber
    Navigate to [https://secure.getjobber.com/work_request_settings/form_template_edit](https://secure.getjobber.com/work_request_settings/form_template_edit)
    Click the "Add a short description of your services or follow up details to appear above your shared form" field.
    Click this text field to edit the "section" title
    Click here to edit an existing question
    To delete a question use the garbage can button and confirm. To move a question up and down use the movement arrow above the trash button To add another question choose the "checkboxes" "short answer" or "long answer" options at the bottom of the screen
    Create a section for "services" - this is a sample question and options
    You cannot rearrange the order of the checkboxes so plan before you create the list. You can write over options or delete them and start again
    Leave all questions optional. Nothing turns off a client quicker than getting errors for missing a question.
    To add an option to the list Click "Add Option"
    For different service types create differen't questions to break up the form or set them up as sections if you plan to rearrange your form.
    If irrigation is only for commercial, state that on your work request. If you come up in an SEO search and this isn't specified on the website this will let peole know it is commercial. You can also indicate if they have to meet with an estimator.
    Asking customers if they want to turn their services into a monthly maintenance package lets them know it is an option and will help you quote effectively
    Have one long answer question to allow people to share additional details. You can also let them know that pictures can be sent to your email
    Adding a question about scheduling a site meeting helps leads feel like th ey have some control over when they meet with you.
    Click this button to update the form or preview the form before updating. The form will be live so work on the form before adding it to your website or social media.