Editing a Quiz in Canvas | Scribe

    Editing a Quiz in Canvas

    • Jessica Gunther |
    • 0 step |
    • 4 minutes
    Navigate to the quiz, then click "Edit"

    Adding/Editing Questions

    Navigate to "Questions"
    To add another question, click "+ New Question"
    Click the text field to title/number the question.
    Click the dropdown to select the question type. Here we will add a multiple choice question.
    Add the question stem in the text box.
    Click the "Answer Text" field to enter each answer choice.
    Click "Update Question" to save the question.
    We will now add a text/comment type question. Click "+ New Question"
    Title the question.
    Click this dropdown to select the question type.
    Choose "Essay Question"
    Add the question stem in the text box.
    Click "Update Question"
    To edit a question that has already been created, click "Edit this Question"
    Click "Update Question" to save your changes.

    Editing Quiz details, such as Due Date and description

    Navigate to "Details"
    Add any quiz details/instructions here.
    This Scribe is in tip-top shape!Leave feedback if there are any issues with this Scribe