Employee Accrual Adjustments | Other | Scribe

    Employee Accrual Adjustments | Other

    • Avry Schellenbach |
    • 24 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • UniversityofcaliforniaUniversityofcalifornia
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    Want to see the instructions while you walk through a transaction? Add the [**Scribe Chrome extension**](https://get.scribehow.com/install-extension/) (for Chrome browsers only), then click the **Guide Me** button as you hover over Step 1.


    Navigate to **UCPath**: <https://ucpath.universityofcalifornia.edu/home>
    On the left navigation pane, click **PeopleSoft Homepage.**
    Click on the **Absence Administration** tile.
    Click the **Manage Accruals/Balances** folder.
    Click the **Manage Accrual** page.
    You can **collapse** the left side Navigation Panel for more visual room by clicking the black icon.

    Search & Select

    Scroll to the right of the page, and click the **Add a New Value** button.
    To Add a New Value, enter the Set ID, Department, and Employee Classification of the employee you need to adjust accruals for. Type **BKCMP** in the **Set ID** field, or click the magnifying glass lookup icon to select BKCMP from the menu.
    To Add a New Value, enter the Set ID, Department, and Employee Classification of the employee you need to adjust accruals for.

Type **BKCMP** in the **Set ID** field, or click the magnifying glass lookup icon to select BKCMP from the menu.
    Type in the **Department** code, or select from the magnifying glass lookup menu.
    Enter the **Employee Classification** code, or select from the magnifying glass lookup menu.
    Enter the **Employee Classification** code, or select from the magnifying glass lookup menu.
    Click **Add**.
    Enter the **Empl ID** for the employee you need to adjust accruals for.
    The **Rcd # (empl record)** will default to 0. Type in the correct empl record, or select from the magnifying glass lookup menu.
    The **Rcd # (empl record)** will default to 0. Type in the correct empl record, or select from the magnifying glass lookup menu.
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    **Alert!** Ensure you have selected the correct **Empl Record**!

    Entering Other Details

    In our example, an employee needs to have their FMLA balance adjusted. They were out on leave for part of January, but their FMLA was not applied to 3 days. Bruce needs to have 24 hours decremented from their FMLA balance for 1/25/24 - 1/27/24. So we will submit an **Other** transaction. **Other:** - can be entered for **multiple days** in a single row - **negative hours** will **decrement** hours in the associated accrual bank
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    **Tip**! Review the [Accrual Type Matrix](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OdiQXcmA3WWNQJh9J1AZ9w8nXAMUcqvY/view)to review the 5 accrual types, whether you enter them day-by-day or multiple days in one row, and whether positive hours decrement or increment the associated accrual bank.