Employee Accrual Adjustments | Payout | Scribe

    Employee Accrual Adjustments | Payout

    • Avry Schellenbach |
    • 23 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • UniversityofcaliforniaUniversityofcalifornia
    information ordinal icon
    Want to see the instructions while you walk through a transaction? Add the [**Scribe Chrome extension**](https://get.scribehow.com/install-extension/) (for Chrome browsers only), then click the **Guide Me** button as you hover over Step 1.


    Navigate to **UCPath**: <https://ucpath.universityofcalifornia.edu/home>
    On the left navigation pane, click **PeopleSoft Homepage.**
    Screenshot of the UCPath Online landing page with the "PeopleSoft Homepage" button highlighted.
    Click on the **Absence Administration** tile.
    Screenshot of the Workforce Administration Homepage with the "Absence Administration" tile highlighted.
    Click the **Manage Accruals/Balances** folder.
    Manage Accruals/Balances folder highlighted.
    Click the **Manage Accrual** page.
    Manage Accruals page highlighted.
    You can **collapse** the left side Navigation Panel for more visual room by clicking the black icon.
    The black icon on the left side navigation panel highlighted.

    Search & Select

    Scroll to the right of the page, and click the **Add a New Value** button.
    Add a New Value button in the upper right corner highlighted.
    To Add a New Value, enter the Set ID, Department, and Employee Classification of the employee you need to adjust accruals for. Type **BKCMP** in the **Set ID** field, or click the magnifying glass lookup icon to select BKCMP from the menu.
    To Add a New Value, enter the Set ID, Department, and Employee Classification of the employee you need to adjust accruals for.

Type **BKCMP** in the **Set ID** field, or click the magnifying glass lookup icon to select BKCMP from the menu.
    Type in the **Department** code, or select from the magnifying glass lookup menu.
    Department search field highlighted.
    Enter the **Employee Classification** code, or select from the magnifying glass lookup menu.
    Enter the **Employee Classification** code, or select from the magnifying glass lookup menu.
    Click **Add**.
    Add button highlighted. Click this to go to the next page to enter employee details.
    Enter the **Empl ID** for the employee you need to adjust accruals for.
    Empl ID field highlighted.
    The **Rcd # (empl record)** will default to 0. Type in the correct empl record, or select from the magnifying glass lookup menu.
    The **Rcd # (empl record)** will default to 0. Type in the correct empl record, or select from the magnifying glass lookup menu.
    alert ordinal icon
    **Alert!** Ensure you have selected the correct **Empl Record**!

    Entering Payout Details

    In our example, the employee needs to have 2 weeks (80 hours) of vacation paid out. So we will submit a **Payout** transaction. **Payouts:** - can be entered for **multiple days** in a single row - **positive hours** will automatically **decrement** hours in the associated accrual bank
    Accrual Adjustment row highlighted. Adjustment/Payout/Take field blank currently. This will unlock once Begin and End Dates are added.
    information ordinal icon
    **Tip**! Review the [Accrual Type Matrix](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OdiQXcmA3WWNQJh9J1AZ9w8nXAMUcqvY/view)to review the 5 accrual types, whether you enter them day-by-day or multiple days in one row, and whether positive hours decrement or increment the associated accrual bank.
    Screenshot of the Accrual Type Matrix job aid.