Enabling Staff Sign-In, Badge Printing & Account Registration | Scribe

    Enabling Staff Sign-In, Badge Printing & Account Registration

      • AccushieldAccushield
      Navigate to [https://dashboard.accushield.com](https://dashboard.accushield.com/landing)
      Click "Settings"
      Click "Sign In Features"
      Click the "Enable Staff Sign-In" box. When checked, this means "Community Staff" will appear as a visitor type on the Kiosk and your team can use that to sign-in and out from the Kiosk or Mobile App.
      If you want badges to print for your staff during sign-in, check the "Enable Staff Badge" box. If you don't want badges to print for staff, leave this unchecked.
      You may have staff members that don't have phone numbers listed on their staff accounts in the Dashboard. This means that staff member isn't available to receive alerts, messages or notifications. If you want to collect phone numbers from staff and have them saved to their staff accounts, you can check the box next the "Enable Capturing A Mobile Phone Number" field.
      You may have newer staff try to sign-in, but if they don't have staff accounts uploaded for them yet, the sign-in won't be successful. You can workaround that issue by checking the box next to "Staff Registration at the kiosk" field. That will allow staff to create their own accounts through sign-in, which can you can then approve in the Dashboard.
      Checking the box next to "Enable Agency Staffing Sign-In" will add "Agency Staffing" as a visitor type to the Kiosk and will allow us to capture shift details and company information while they sign-in. This information then gets saved to our "Agency Staffing" report in the Dashboard.
      Click "Save" once you're done making your changes.
      Don't forget to maintain your Staff roster in the Dashboard, if you want your staff to be able to sign-in or receive alerts, messages or notifications.
      And you can view the "Staff Sign-In Log" to see details regarding your staff's sign-in and sign-out compliance.