Enroll in High School Home Groups for Training Document | Scribe

    Enroll in High School Home Groups for Training Document

    • Kristin Hayes |
    • 12 steps |
    • 48 seconds
    • ChurchcenterChurchcenter
    Navigate to [https://prestontrail.churchcenter.com/groups/high-school-home-groups?enrollment=open_signup%2Crequest_to_join&filter=enrollment](https://prestontrail.churchcenter.com/groups/high-school-home-groups?enrollment=open_signup%2Crequest_to_join&filter=enrollment)
    If you want to see a map of approximate locations of open groups, click "show map." Click the button again to hide the map.
    You can add filters (i.e., grade, group type, day of week, etc.) to see only specific types of groups. Click on the various drop-downs to add desired filters. *If no groups show, remove one or more of the filters.*
    Select the specific type of group you would like to see.
    If you want to filter further, click the other drop downs, for example, "Grade"
    Click the grade you would like to see.
    If you see a group you are interested in, click the image to proceed.
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    If you do not see the group you are looking for, email us at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and let us know. We will do our best to find you a group that meets your needs.
    To join the group, click "Request to join." When you request to join a group, the leader will be notified and they will reach out to you within 48 hours. If you do not hear from the leader, email [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
    If you are not logged in to your account, you will be prompted to enter your phone number. Please use the phone number associated with the student joining the group.
    After entering your phone number, you will receive a text message with a 6 digit code. Enter code and click "Next"
    If the students name is showing, click "Log in as {student}"
    If you would like to include a personal message to the group leader, enter it now and click "Send request." If you do not wish to include a personal message, just click "Send request."
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    [[Home Groups will kick off the week of September 8. They will also remain open to new students joining at any time throughout the year. We look forward to helping students get connected!]]