Entering Banking Information for a Foreign Vendor/Supplier | Scribe

    Entering Banking Information for a Foreign Vendor/Supplier

    • J'onnelle Colbert-Diaz |
    • 16 steps |
    • 7 minutes
    • PaymentworksPaymentworks

    ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Banking Details, Payment Information.

    Enter your banking details at the bottom of the "Additional Information" section of the Payment Works registration form, under the header "Payment Information". The first step is to choose "Foreign" as your Bank Location.


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    Alert! Once you choose "Foreign Bank" the Intermediary Bank Details fields will appear. An Intermediary Bank is typically a U.S. bank that your primary bank has an account with to convert US currency to your country's currency. **You only have to enter an Intermediary Bank if your bank's wire instructions provide it**. If your bank letter only has a 9-digit US routing number listed and not the full bank details, simply google it and the search results will provide the name and address of the US Bank. YOU WILL NOT ENTER YOUR PRIMARY BANK INFORMATION IN THIS SECTION.
    Enter your intermediary bank's name (example: JP Morgan Chase)
    The name on the intermediary account will be the name of your primary bank (Example: HSBC UK).
    Enter the 9-digit ABA/Routing number for the intermediary bank.
    Enter the Intermediary Bank Account Number. You may leave this field blank, unless your bank letter provides a specific Intermediary bank account number.
    Enter the Intermediary bank address. The required fields are: City, State, Country. Street address and post code are not required.
    Enter your IBAN number, it is a required field, if you do not have an IBAN enter NA.
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    If your Country has a CLABE or CLAVE number, you may enter it in the IBAN field.


    Enter your bank's name. It must match the banking documentation.
    Enter your Account number. If you have provided an IBAN number, please only enter your actual account number here.
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    If your Country requires a BSB number, you will enter it at the beginning of your account number.
    Re-enter your account number to confirm. Click on "Account Type" menu and select the appropriate account type for your account, (Example: Company Checking)
    Re-enter your account number to confirm.  Click on "Account Type" menu and select the appropriate account type for your account, (Example: Company Checking)
    Enter your bank's routing number if applicable.
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    If the Routing number is displayed as a required field and you do not have one, scroll down to the Bank Address section and select your country, this should remove the US Routing number as a required field.
    Enter your SWIFT Code
    Upload your banking documentation provided by your bank.