Exercise 3: Reordering and Configuring Your Block | Scribe

    Exercise 3: Reordering and Configuring Your Block

    • Riley Skipper |
    • 0 step |
    • 30 seconds
      Now, navigate back to our Context page, and on the right side above the region layouts for Blocks, we have a toggle for "Show Row Weights".
      Change our block weight to 2.
      Tip! Row weights less than 2 are designated for navigation, breadcrumbs, and page title. Please organize content starting at at least 2.
      Tip! The heavier the number, the more content "sinks". If one piece of content has a row weight of "2" and another "3", it will be listed in that order on the front end.
      Now page content is before our block content.
      Now we will remove the block title to just display our block content. Click the contextual link for our block.
      Click "Configure block"
      Alert! Avoid using "Remove block from context" when wanting to remove a block. To remove, go back to context and delete the block from the context page. If you delete a block using "Remove block from context", you may be deleting every instance of that block throughout the website.
      Untoggle the "Display title" field.
      Update block.
      Now we can see our page content above, and our columns we made in our block without our block title being shown.
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