Exploring App Engine in GCP - App, Services and Versions | Scribe

Exploring App Engine in GCP - App, Services and Versions

  • Hafeez Baig |
  • 30 steps |
  • 2 minutes
  • Google CloudGoogle Cloud
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Please review the previous lab on How to create an App Engine before proceeding with this lab.<https://scribehow.com/shared/Playing_with_App_Engine_in_GCP__Google_Cloud_Platform__BthIw6hzRkKMtQwcJ2vjbw>
Type "**App Engine**" in the search bar and click on the **App Engine** option
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**What is an App Engine?**\ \ Google Cloud Platform's App Engine is a fully managed, serverless PaaS that enables developers to build and deploy scalable web applications with minimal infrastructure management. It offers automatic scaling, supports multiple programming languages, and provides two environments: Standard (for rapid scaling with standard runtimes) and Flexible (for custom runtimes and Docker containers). Integrated with GCP services and tools, App Engine ensures high availability, security, and cost-efficiency, making it ideal for web apps, mobile backends, and APIs. Developers can focus on code while GCP handles infrastructure, scaling, and maintenance.
The **App Engine** Dashboard wizard will open, here you can view the chat and its details for the App Engine
Scroll to the **Billing status** section, here you can view the billing status for your quotas and estimated costs
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**What is the Billing status?**\ \ Billing status in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) refers to the current state of your billing account and provides information on whether your account is active, suspended, or closed. It indicates if you are up-to-date with your payments and if your services are running without interruption. The billing status helps you manage and monitor your cloud expenses, ensuring that your usage aligns with your budget and financial planning. You can view and manage your billing status through the GCP Console's Billing section, where you can also set up alerts, review detailed billing reports, and handle payment methods.
Scroll to the **Current load** section, here you can view the load details for the App Engine
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**What is the Current load?**\ \ The Current load in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) refers to the real-time usage of resources by your applications and services. It measures the demand on your compute instances, databases, and other cloud resources, including CPU utilization, memory usage, disk I/O, and network traffic. Monitoring the current load helps you understand how your applications are performing under different conditions, allowing you to optimize resource allocation, ensure scalability, and maintain application performance. You can track and analyze the current load using GCP's monitoring tools like Cloud Monitoring and Cloud Logging, which provide detailed metrics and insights.
Click on **Services** from the left bar
**Services** wizard will open, here you can view the services for the App Engine **Note:** It will already be created from the previous lab when we set up the App Engine.
Click on **Versions** from the left bar
**Versions** wizard will open, here you can view the versions for the App Engine
Click on **Instances** from the left bar
**Instances** wizard will open, scroll to the **Instances (auto-scaled)** section and her you can view the Instances associated with the App Engine
Go back to the **Cloud Shell** tab
To view the services list, type the command [[gcloud app services list ]]in the Cloud Shell terminal
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**What is the** [[gcloud app services list ]]**command?**\ \ The `gcloud app services list` command in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) displays a list of services deployed in your App Engine application, showing details such as service IDs, default versions, traffic splits, and last deployment timestamps. This command helps you manage and monitor your App Engine services, providing a quick overview of the current state and traffic distribution among different services.
**SERVICE** and **NUM_VERSIONS** is displayed
To view the versions list, type the command [[gcloud app versions list]]
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**What is the [[gcloud app versions list ]]command?**\ \ The `gcloud app versions list` command in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) displays all versions of the services deployed in your App Engine application, showing details like version IDs, associated services, traffic splits, and deployment timestamps. This command helps you track and manage different application versions, providing an overview of their status and traffic distribution.