Exploring Azure Firewall | Scribe

    Exploring Azure Firewall

    • Hafeez Baig |
    • 12 steps |
    • 42 seconds
    • AzureAzure
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    Refer to this guide to learn how to create an Azure Virtual Network<https://scribehow.com/shared/Playing_with_Azure_Virtual_Network__qte8mAcGTO6alvUfYLACgQ>
    Sign in into the **Microsoft Azure Portal**
    Type **Virtual networks** in the search bar and click on the **Virtual networks** to view the Virtual networks dashboard
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    **What is a Virtual network?**\ \ A Virtual Network (VNet) is a software-defined representation of a traditional network in the cloud. It enables the creation of isolated networks in Azure for secure communication between Azure resources, providing segmentation, and control over IP addressing.
    On the **Virtual networks** wizard, click on the Name **my-first-virtual-network**
    Click on the **Firewall** from the left bar
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    **What is a Firewall?**\ \ In Azure, a firewall is a network security service that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules. Azure Firewall is a managed, cloud-based network security service that protects Azure Virtual Network resources by providing features like threat intelligence, network and application traffic filtering, and logging of network activities.
    **my-first-virtual-network | Firewall** wizard will open, click on the **Click here to add a new firewall** link
    Scroll to the **Name** section and give Name as "**my-first-firewall-vn**"
    Scroll to the **Firewall SKU** section and select the option **Premium**
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    **What is Firewall SKU Premium option?**\ \ The Premium option in Azure Firewall SKU offers advanced security features such as TLS inspection, which decrypts and inspects outbound traffic; an Intrusion Detection and Prevention System (IDPS) for identifying and blocking threats; URL filtering to control access to specific websites; and web categories to filter internet access based on content categories.
    Scroll to the **Firewall policy** section and select an existing policy from the dropdown or click on the **Add new** link to create a new Firewall policy
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    **What is Firewall Policy?**\ \ A Firewall Policy in Azure is a centralized configuration and management solution for Azure Firewall. It allows you to define and enforce network and application rules, manage multiple firewalls consistently, and apply threat intelligence-based filtering. This policy simplifies governance and ensures uniform security settings across various deployments.
    **Create a new Firewall Policy** wizard will open, here you can give policy name to create a new Firewall policy and click on **OK** button
    Scroll to the **Choose a virtual network** section, here you can select an existing virtual network or create a new one for the Azure Firewall and give a name for the new **Virtual Network**
    Scroll to the **Address space** section, here you can give Address space and select IPv4 subnets for the Azure Firewall
    Scroll the end of the page and click on the **Next : Review + create** button
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