Exploring Azure VMs - Static IP, Monitoring & Reducing Costs | Scribe

    Exploring Azure VMs - Static IP, Monitoring & Reducing Costs

    • Hafeez Baig |
    • 26 steps |
    • 3 minutes
    • AzureAzure
    Sign in into the **Microsoft Azure Portal**
    Type **Virtual Machines** in the search bar and click on the **Virtual machines** to view the Virtual Machines dashboard
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    **What is Azure Virtual Machine?** An Azure Virtual Machine is a scalable computing resource provided by Microsoft Azure, enabling users to deploy and manage virtualized instances of operating systems such as Windows or Linux in the cloud.
    To create a Static IP Address, click on the **Create** dropdown button on the top left side and click on the option **Azure virtual machine**
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    **What is Static IP Addresses in Azure VM's?** In Azure, a static IP address for a virtual machine (VM) is an IP address that doesn't change. By default, Azure VMs are assigned dynamic IP addresses, which means they can change every time the VM is stopped and started, or when there are infrastructure changes in Azure.
    **Create Virtual machine** wizard will open, click on the **Basics** tab
    Scroll to the **Resources group** section, select an existing **Resource group** **Note:** If you do not have an existing Resource group, you can create a new one by clicking on the **Create new** link
    Click on the **Networking** Tab
    Scroll to the **Public IP** section and click on the **Create new** link
    On the right side **Create public IP address** wizard will open, give the Name as "**my-static-ip**"
    Scroll to the **Assignment** section and select the option **Static**
    Scroll the page and click on the **OK** button
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    Congratulations on successfully creating a static IP address for the VM!
    To view the Monitoring and Metrics in VM, on the **Virtual machines** dashboard click on the Name **my-first-vm**
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    Refer to this guide to learn how to create virtual machine in Azure\ <https://scribehow.com/shared/Creating_your_first_Virtual_Machine_in_Azure__m7sJfxD7SKOuonRH8SNW2A>
    **my-first-vm** wizard will open, click on the **Monitoring** tab
    Scroll the page to view the Monitoring widgets
    To view the Metrics, click on the **Metrics** from the left bar
    **Metrics** wizard will open, here you can view different charts of the Virtual machine
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    Congratulations on exploring metrics and monitoring in the VM!