Exploring Cloud Storage - ACL (Access Control Lists) | Scribe

Exploring Cloud Storage - ACL (Access Control Lists)

  • Hafeez Baig |
  • 12 steps |
  • 25 seconds
  • Google CloudGoogle Cloud
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Refer to this guide to learn how to create an Object Storage in GCP\ <https://scribehow.com/shared/Playing_with_Object_Storage_in_GCP__Cloud_Storage__nEbsQl7pQ02uoOi7v9IeZA>
Sign in into the **Google Cloud Platform**
Type "**Cloud Storage**" in the search bar and click on the **Cloud Storage** option
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**What is Cloud Storage?**\ \ Cloud Storage is an online service that allows users to store, access, and manage data over the internet. It offers scalable and durable storage solutions, ensuring data is accessible from anywhere and protected through encryption and access controls. In Google Cloud Platform (GCP), it's called Google Cloud Storage, providing a secure and flexible way to store large amounts of unstructured data, such as files, backups, and media.
**Buckets** wizard will open, click on the Name "**my-in28minutes-bucket**"
**my-in28minutes-bucket** wizard will open, click on the **PERMISSIONS** tab
Scroll to the **Access control** section and click on the **SWITCH TO UNIFORM** button
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**What is Access Control?**\ \ Access control is a security mechanism that regulates who can view or use resources in a computing environment. It ensures that only authorized users or systems can access specific data, applications, or services. In cloud storage, access control defines permissions for users, groups, or service accounts, determining their level of interaction with the resources (e.g., read, write, or delete). In Google Cloud Storage, access control can be managed through Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles or access control lists (ACLs) to define who has access and what actions they can perform on the stored objects.
**Edit access control** wizard will open, select the option **Uniform**
Click on the **SAVE** button
If you want to switch it back, you can click on the **SWITCH TO FINE GRAINED** button
Click on the **OBJECTS** tab
Click on the Name **index.html**
**index.html** wizard will open, click on the **EDIT ACCESS** button
**Edit access** wizard will open, here you can edit the access for the **index.html** file
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Congratulations! on completing this lab and Exploring Cloud Storage - ACL (Access Control List)