Exploring Cloud Storage in GCP | Scribe

Exploring Cloud Storage in GCP

  • Hafeez Baig |
  • 9 steps |
  • 34 seconds
  • Google CloudGoogle Cloud
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Refer to this guide to learn how to create an Object Storage in GCP\ <https://scribehow.com/shared/Playing_with_Object_Storage_in_GCP__Cloud_Storage__nEbsQl7pQ02uoOi7v9IeZA>
Sign in into the **Google Cloud Platform**
Type "**Cloud Storage"** in the search bar and click on the **Cloud Storage** option
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**What is Cloud Storage?**\ \ In Google Cloud Platform (GCP), **Cloud Storage** is a service that provides scalable and secure object storage for unstructured data. It allows you to store, retrieve, and manage data like images, videos, backups, and other large files. GCP Cloud Storage offers different storage classes (e.g., Standard, Nearline, Coldline, and Archive) to optimize cost and performance based on data access patterns. It also includes features like automatic redundancy, versioning, and integration with other GCP services.
**Buckets** wizard will open, click on the Name **my-first-bucket-in28minutes-2**
**my-first-bucket-in28minutes-2** wizard will open, click on the folder of Name **2030/**
**2030** wizard will open, click on the folder of Name **10/**
**10** wizard will open, click on the Name **course1.png**
Scroll to the **Authenticated URL** section and click on the copy widget to copy the URL
Open an new tab in any browser and paste the copied URL
**course1.png** image is displayed
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