Exploring Coded Wire Tag (CWT) information in the Great Lakes Fish Stocking Database | Scribe

    Exploring Coded Wire Tag (CWT) information in the Great Lakes Fish Stocking Database

    • Ted Treska |
    • 10 steps |
    • 4 minutes
    From the CWT tab on the Main page, click on "Find CWT Events" for an interactive map view as will be shown here, or "CWT List" for a table of CWT events that can be filtered.
    Click "Find CWT Events"
    You can either select criteria if you are looking for tags in specific lakes, species, etc.......
    Or you can enter one or more CWT codes into the "CWT Number(s):" field. Numbers can be in the XXXXXX or XX-XX-XX format, and if querying for multiple tags at once, separate them using commas(,) or semicolons (;)
    Then Click "Submit" for results
    If you think that there are many stocking events occurring at the same site, you can click "Jitter Points" slider to offset each individual event just a bit to get an idea of the number of points in a location
    This is the result of the Jitter function on the above plot, as you can see what looked like 1 event was actually many. You can turn off the jitter with the same slider button
    By clicking on any of the CWT entries, it will take you to all events that utilized that CWT number, regardless of lake, species, etc.
    By clicking on CWT 64-02-04, we see that it was used in multiple events, some of which were in different strains of lake trout. This is highlighted in the info box to the left of the map, which also indicates if the tag was used in multiple lakes, species, year classes or agencies in addition to strains.
    As with all searches, clicking on any Stock ID will take you to a page of event specific information.