Exploring Default VPCs and Subnets | Scribe

    Exploring Default VPCs and Subnets

    • Hafeez Baig |
    • 9 steps |
    • 3 minutes
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    Refer to the following guide to learn how to use IAM in the cloud\ <https://scribehow.com/shared/Creating_an_IAM_User_and_User_Group_in_AWS_Management_Console__hWNiiXlcRJKFqYZZEJD-cg>


    Sign in to **AWS Management Console** as an **IAM User** **Pre-requisite** - Ensure you have selected the AWS region closest to your location\ For this guide, we will be using us-west-1 (N. California) as a preferred choice


    Type **VPC** in the search bar and click on **VPC** to view the VPC dashboard

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    **What is VPC in AWS?** VPC stands for Virtual Private Cloud in AWS. It's a virtual network environment that you can provision within AWS to logically isolate your resources, such as EC2 instances, databases, and Lambda functions.


    On the VPC dashboard, you can view all the features and services available for VPCs. Click on the **VPCs** option


    On the **VPCs** dashboard, you can view all your **VPCs** here


    To view your **subnets**, on the same page click on the **Subnets** option from the left bar

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    **What is a subnet in AWS?** A subnet in AWS is a segmented part of a virtual network that allows for better organization and management of resources.


    Once you click on the **Subnets** option, you'll be directed to the **Subnets** dashboard, where you can view all Subnets available in every region


    To view different Subnets for different Regions, click on the **Regions** option on the top right to change the Region


    Select "**US East (N. Virginia)**" from the available regions list to view its subnets


    The availability of Subnets varies across regions, with certain regions providing more Subnets than others

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    Congratulations on completing the lab and exploring Default VPCs and Subnets! Well done!