Exploring Kubernetes Deployments with YAML Declarative Configurations | Scribe

    Exploring Kubernetes Deployments with YAML Declarative Configurations

    • Hafeez Baig |
    • 9 steps |
    • 53 seconds
    • Google CloudGoogle Cloud
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    Please review the previous lab on Autoscaling ConfigMap and Secrets before proceeding with this lab.<https://scribehow.com/shared/Kubernetes_Journey__Autoscaling_Config_Map_and_Secrets__0asQT5LvT2CI4XdaQ1_Ccw>
    Sign in into the **Google Cloud Platform**
    Type "**Kubernetes Clusters**" in the search bar and click on the **Kubernetes Clusters** option
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    **What are Kubernetes Clusters?**\ \ **Kubernetes Clusters** are collections of nodes that run containerized applications managed by Kubernetes. A cluster includes a master node, which orchestrates and manages the cluster, and worker nodes, which run the containerized applications. Clusters enable the deployment, scaling, and management of applications, ensuring high availability, efficient resource utilization, and automated recovery from failures.
    **Kubernetes clusters** wizard will open, click on the **Workloads** from the left bar
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    **What are Workloads?**\ \ In Kubernetes, **workloads** refer to the applications and services running on the cluster. They are managed using Kubernetes objects such as Pods, Deployments, StatefulSets, DaemonSets, and Jobs. These objects define how applications are deployed, scaled, and managed, ensuring efficient operation, scaling, and maintenance of containerized applications within the cluster.
    **Workloads** wizard will open, click on the Name **hello-world-rest-api**
    Click on the **YAML** tab on the right side
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    **What is YAML?**\ \ **YAML** (YAML Ain't Markup Language) is a human-readable data serialization format used for configuration files and data exchange. It is designed to be simple to read and write, using indentation to represent hierarchical data structures. YAML is commonly used in Kubernetes to define configurations such as Pods, Services, and Deployments, making it easier to manage and deploy applications.
    **hello-world-rest-api** wizard will open, click on the **EDIT** button on the top left side
    Navigate to the `spec:` block and edit replicas: **3** to replicas: **2**
    Click on the **SAVE** button
    Scroll to the **Managed pods** section, here you can see that there are now 2 managed pods since we have changed the replicas to 2.
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    **What are Managed pods?**\ \ **Managed Pods** are Pods that are controlled and overseen by higher-level Kubernetes objects such as Deployments, StatefulSets, or DaemonSets. These controllers manage the lifecycle, scaling, and updates of the Pods. For instance, a Deployment will ensure that a specified number of replicas of a Pod are running, handle updates to the Pods, and replace Pods if they fail, thus automating the management and maintenance of Pods in a Kubernetes cluster.
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