Exploring Resource Groups, Subscriptions and Management Groups | Scribe

    Exploring Resource Groups, Subscriptions and Management Groups

    • Hafeez Baig |
    • 11 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • AzureAzure
    Sign in into the **Microsoft Azure Portal**
    Type **Resource groups** in the search bar and click on the **Resource groups** to view the Resource groups dashboard
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    **What is a Resource group?** A Resource Group in Azure is a logical container for grouping and managing related resources such as virtual machines and databases. It helps organize resources, apply policies, and manage costs effectively.
    **Resource group** dashboard will open, click on any Resource group you have created
    On the **databases-rg** wizard, here you can view your current Subscription for the Resource group **Note:** Click on the **Move** link option to move the Resource group to a different subscription
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    **What is Free Subscription in Azure?**\ \ A Free Subscription in Azure provides users with access to a limited set of Azure services at no cost for a specified period, typically 12 months. It includes free credits, which can be used to explore and experiment with various Azure services, along with some services that remain free within certain usage limits beyond the initial period. This allows users to familiarize themselves with Azure without incurring charges.
    To view the **Tags** for the Resource group, click on the **Tags** from the left bar
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    **What are Tags?**\ \ Tags in Azure are user-defined key-value pairs applied to Azure resources to organize and manage them effectively. They help categorize resources based on attributes such as environment, department, or cost center, enabling better resource tracking, management, and cost analysis.
    **Tags** wizard will open, here you can add a new tag by its **Name** and **Value**
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    Congratulations on exploring resource groups and tags!
    To view the Subscriptions and Quotas, type **Subscriptions** in the search bar and click on the **Subscriptions**
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    **What are Subscriptions?**\ \ Subscriptions in Azure are containers that organize and manage resources and services. Each subscription provides a way to manage billing, access control, and resource provisioning. It helps in segregating resources for different projects, departments, or environments, and each subscription has its own set of billing and access policies.
    On the **Subscriptions** dashboard, click on the Subscription name **Free Trial**
    **Free Trial** wizard will open, search and click on the **Usage + quotas** from the left bar
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    **What are Usage + quotas?**\ \ **Usage + quotas** track resource consumption and set limits on resources. "Usage" shows the resources used, while "quotas" define the maximum allowable limits for those resources, aiding in capacity planning and cost management.
    **Usage + quotas** wizard will open, here you can view all the Usage and Quotas for the Subscription
    To create a new **Quota**, click on the **New Quota Request** button on the top left side
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    Congratulations on completing this lab and Exploring Resource Groups, Subscriptions and Management Groups! Good Job!