Exploring Scaling and Load Balancing with VM Scale Sets | Scribe

    Exploring Scaling and Load Balancing with VM Scale Sets

    • Hafeez Baig |
    • 24 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • AzureAzure
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    Refer to this guide to learn how to create an Virtual Machine Scale set<https://scribehow.com/shared/01__Exploring_Scaling_and_Load_Balancing_with_VM_Scale_Sets__YqMLr3E1QLiQyZZz9_OFxQ>
    Sign in into the **Microsoft Azure Portal**
    Type **Virtual Machines scale sets** in the search bar and click on the **Virtual Machines scale sets**
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    **What is Virtual Machines scale sets?**\ \ Virtual Machine Scale Sets (VMSS) is a feature in Azure that allows you to deploy and manage a group of identical, auto-scaling virtual machines. VMSS automatically adjusts the number of virtual machines in the set based on demand or a defined schedule. This capability helps ensure high availability and scalability of applications hosted on Azure by dynamically scaling resources up or down to match changing workload requirements.
    On the **Virtual Machine scale sets** dashboard, click on the Name - **vm-scale-set-1**
    You can check the **Status** it is showing **2 out of 2 succeeded,** that means the VM's are up and running.
    To view the **Instances** created by the VM Scale set, click on the **Instances** from the left bar
    **Instances** wizard will open, here you can see the Scale set has created 2 Virtual Machines, click on the first **VM** to view its details
    **Instance** 1 wizard will open, here you can view the **Status** showing that the VM is Running
    Locate the **Public IP address** on the right side and click on the copy widget
    Open the new tab in the browser and paste the **Public IP address** in the search bar
    You can see **Hello World** **Note:** You can use the same steps for the second instance of the VM scale set to view the Hello World message using the public IP address.
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    The instance is currently running, and as we've included a bash script in the cloud-init configuration during the creation of the VM scale set, the "Hello world" message is also being displayed.
    To view the Load Balancers created by Scale set, type **Load balancers** in the search bar and click on the **Load balancers**
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    **What is Load Balancer?**\ \ A Load Balancer evenly distributes incoming network traffic across multiple servers or resources to enhance performance and ensure high availability of applications.
    **Load Balancer** wizard will open, click on the **vm-scale-set-1-lb** **Note:** This Load Balancer is created by the Virtual Machine Scale set
    **vm-scale-set-1-lb** wizard will open, locate the **Public IP address** on the right side and click on the copy button
    Open the new tab in the browser and paste the **Public IP address** in the search bar
    You can see **Hello World**
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    The Load Balancer associated with the virtual machine scale set manages traffic between the two instances created by the scale set. It alternates between these instances, distributing the load evenly, ensuring that requests are served by either instance interchangeably.