3.3 Adding Keywords to Your Submission | Scribe

    3.3 Adding Keywords to Your Submission

    • Chandra Breanne Curry |
    • 6 steps |
    • 23 seconds
    On the first page, titled **Proposal Form**, there are three fields for entering keywords related to your proposed research.
    alert ordinal icon
    Alert! Due to current limitations, we recommend using the Primary Area of Research field to input free-form, specific keywords about your research.
    From the drop-down, click **Other**.
    Click the **Other Area of Research** field and enter specific keywords related to your research, such as “laser-plasma interactions,” “laboratory astrophysics,” “inertial fusion energy,” etc.).
    Next, in the **Additional Area(s) of Research** field, select the topical area of your research, such as “Physics.”
    Click the **Keywords** field and select at least one keyword from the drop-down, such as “methods and instrumentation development.”\ \ Note that the current list does not include many keywords related to LaserNetUS research, but it will be updated in a future call.
    Click **SAVE (⌘ + S)**.