How to Export Your Class or Group Roster | Scribe

    How to Export Your Class or Group Roster

    • David Drinnon |
    • 6 steps |
    • 36 seconds
    • SecondSecond
    Go to <> and login to Second's website.
    Click on the name of your class. In this example, we will export the class roster for the New Venture class on the 1463 campus.
    Click "**EXPORT ROSTER**"
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    The filters on the page will not filter the data prior to exporting your group or subgroup.
    On this page, you may view the class roster before exporting it. When you are ready, click "**EXPORT**."
    Click "Downloads" and click on "Open File." If you browser does not prompt you, check your downloads folder on your computer.
    Click "Maximize" to view your class roster in Excel or similar program.
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    In your class export, you will see the following fields that require some explanation: 1. **Initial Visit Date** 2. **Last Visit Date** 3. **Connection Status**: this field describes one's relationship to the church. The options include: 1. **Church Member** 2. **Prospect**: Individuals who have visited Worship or Bible Study. 3. **Prospect - Prior Mbr**: Individuals who were once a member of Second and are now revisiting our church. 4. **Pre-Prospect**: You shouldn't see this option for anyone listed in your class. Pre-Prospect are individuals who have attended a church event, but have not yet attended weekend Worship or Bible Study.
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    **Why aren't emails included in the group export?** We do not include email addresses in the group export since we provide a tool to send emails directly from Second's website.